ClawIO: Cloud Synchronisation Benchmarking Framework
H.G Labrador, A. Formella, JT. Mościcki

Date: May 2016
Publisher: Zenodo
Location: University of Vigo
Links: PDF


This paper presents the results of the research that led to the development of ClawIO: a cloud synchronisation benchmarking framework. The framework allows to build distributed and highly decoupled cloud File Synchronisation and Sharing platforms in order to obtain performance metrics after being stressed with different test suites. The framework introduces a flexible and extendable layered distributed architecture. We develop a testing scenario for the framework that understands own- Cloud’s synchronisation protocol on top of a local filesystem. In this scenario, we present various performance analysis related to the usage of filesystem ex- tended attributes and in-memory databases. We also introduce the benefits of using extended attributes for data consistency.